
By Galapagos Travel Center

Lonesome George Dead!

Lonesome George, the last of his Giant tortoise species, has died at the Charles Darwin Research Station in the Galapagos Islands. Lonesome George’s death was announced by the Edwin Naula, the head of the Galapagos National Park service.

Galapagos National Park Officials plan to carry out a post mortem. No one knows exactly how old George was but he was thought to be 100 years old. 100 years is not exceptional for Giant tortoises which can live up to 200 years old.

“This morning the park ranger in charge of looking after George found him dead. His body was motionless,” said Naula.

Fausto Llerena, George’s caretaker for 40 years, found Lonesome George dead at the Charles Darwin Research Station early on morning of June 24th, 2012. “His body was still warm but without life”. He said.
The Pinta Island tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra abingdoni) is now an extinct subspecies of
Galapagos Giant tortoise.

The Species was considered extinct until the discovery of George in 1972 on his native Pinta Island. George was moved to the Charles Darwin Research station on Santa Cruz Island and a global search for a mate continued until recently. Various attempts to breed George with similar species failed.

Request a callback they will be glad to assist you to find the best option to visit Española Island, the home of Diego, or to visit the Charles Darwin Research Station where other tortoises including Lonesome George are cared for!

Lonesome George Dead!
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