
By Galapagos Travel Center

A Layman´s Guide to Photography in the Galapagos

Galapagos Honeymoon

Photography in the Galapagos is a bucketlist destination for professionals in the field the same way that it’s a dream vacation for divers. The stunning scenes that develop out of everyday events form pictures that will be passed around the dinner table more than once after returning home.

When is the best time to go to Galapagos Islands?

Guide to Photography in the Galapagos:

For the layman, making sure that you are prepared for your trip with the proper equipment before you leave is paramount.   A few tips to consider before you go to make capturing the sights, sunsets and wildlife a cinch are as follows.

Take a Decent Camera

The animals of the Galapagos aren’t shy and let people get up close and personal in the towns, beaches and bays of the islands.  To take advantage of this, find a decent camera with a tight zoom setting.  Bringing a handheld, waterproof camera for daytrips on the water or snorkelling where bulk is a factor is also recommended.

Study and Practice before You Go

While pointing and clicking is fine for scenes at a restaurant or of a funny street sign, taking the time to study and practice composition and the way your cameras setting work can help you take the perfect shot once on the islands.  Automatic setting can often leave out colors or details that a few clicks of a button can sharpen and blend to the discerning eye.

Bring Extra of Everything

While a trip to the Galapagos isn´t exactly roughing it, there is no guarantee that you will be able to find a spare battery, memory card or lens once you are there.  Carrying spares can save you frustrating days of exploring without a camera because of a lost memory card or malfunctioning battery.

Know the animals

Pick up a good travel guidebook or list of animals in the Galapagos and spend some time researching what their characteristics are.  Learn how they move, when they are out and their colors and set aside some time to think about how to best photograph them.  A little forethought can make the difference between a good and great picture.

For more about the wide variety of things to photograph and where they can be found in the Galapagos, talk to one of our travel experts today.

A Layman´s Guide to Photography in the Galapagos

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